“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” 2 Tim. 2:15
The mission of Okeechobee Presbyterian Church is to minister the love of Jesus Christ to our community and world through worship, fellowship, caring and sharing. The members seek to live that mission in daily life, each person using his or her unique gifts for the good of others.
The church is led by elders and assisted by deacons, each with different experiences and backgrounds, but all called to work for others and ordained for the task through prayer and the laying on of hands. The elders and deacons promise to serve God faithfully and fulfill the aspects of their calling – this doesn’t mean that everyone is perfect, but rather that we seek to live authentically in Christ, willing to admit our weaknesses and always seeking to grow stronger in grace, “forgiving others as God in Christ has forgiven us” [Eph. 4:32].
The pastor provides crucial leadership, but he does so as a ‘leader among equals,’ one who approaches the ministry as part of a called team, who does not lord it over others but leads by serving. As Jesus said, “Let the leader among you be the servant of all” [Mark 10:43-44].
The membership is comprised of people from all walks of life, each adding his or her unique gifts to the church and community. Some members contribute giftedness in music, contributing to a talented choir that sings at the worship services. Several of the choir members are active with the Community Singers of Okeechobee. Other members volunteer for hospice or assist the
deacons in providing for the food pantry and services. Also, the fellowship hall is used as a venue for various community outreach programs such as Alcoholic Anonymous, Compulsive Eaters Anonymous, Community Quilters, etc.
Whether through worship services, Bible studies, prayer groups, community service, or specific interventions, members strive to fulfill and live the mission statement – shining the light of Jesus Christ into areas of need, praying to make a difference in our local community and around the world. In our study groups, fellowship and community programs, we highlight the sovereignty of God
and the hope of salvation.
Okeechobee Presbyterian Church is a place where seeking hearts can find a home –
where each can serve others and in turn be served in their time of need, in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!